Why Quick Step Flooring Is Perfect for Pet Owners

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Your pets are part of your family, and you want them to feel as much at home in your house as you do. This can be difficult, however, if they are always getting told off for scratching carpets or getting muddy paw prints all over the place. Laminate flooring – such as that from Quick Step flooring is a great solution for pet owners, as it has a number of advantages over traditional carpeting.

Better for Allergies

Laminate flooring is perfect for anyone with pet allergies, as there’s nowhere for pet hair and dander to get trapped. This means allergens can be easily vacuumed, swept or mopped up, helping to reduce the risk of allergy symptoms. In addition, it’s so much quicker to vacuum a smooth laminate floor than a thick carpet that you’ll find it far easier to make this a part of your regular routine, meaning allergens are far less likely to hang around for long.

Easier to Clean

Muddy paw prints or the results of toilet-training accidents can be a disaster in carpeted rooms. You’ll likely need specialist cleaning products, lots of elbow grease and plenty of time to clear up pet mess from a carpet. Laminate flooring, however, such as Quick Step flooring, is easy to keep clean. A quick wipe with a damp cloth or mop will easily remove dirty paw marks, and more serious mess can be taken care of with specialist products if needed, although general-purpose soap and warm water will do the job in most cases.

More Hard-Wearing

Sharp claws can easily get caught on carpets, especially those with looped or longer piles. Laminate flooring is a great alternative, as there is nothing for cats and dogs to catch their claws on. In addition, you’ll be able to wave goodbye to the annoying sight of your cat scratching away and sharpening his or her claws on your carpet. There is nothing to grip on to with laminate flooring, so cats will have to find somewhere else to shed their claws.

If you’re thinking of replacing your home’s flooring and are interested in learning more about our range of laminates, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is always happy to answer any questions you might have and provide advice on the best options for your household’s needs.

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