Most people believe that the term flooring is relatively new. However, the term and use of flooring is as old civilization. There are various types of flooring such as Tuscan flooring, water proof laminate flooring, plywood flooring, tiling, vinyl flooring etc.
Let’s discuss laminate flooring, tiling and vinyl flooring.
1. Laminate flooring, also known as plywood flooring or water proof laminate flooring, are water resistant in nature. Water proof laminate flooring is rough and tough in nature.
2. Tiling as the name suggests are flooring made of tiles. There are various types of tiles that are available to accentuate your home.
3. Vinyl flooring is also known as resilient flooring. Vinyl flooring is flexible in nature and are not affected by water. They bounce back when extra pressure is put on them, which is what makes them resilient.
Now, let’s look at the history of flooring: –
1. The ancient Egyptians used to put soil on the ground and levelled it by walking on it. Then, they removed this soil and cleared it. After this they put another level of soil on it and levelled it to make the perfect flooring.
2. In some Native American cultures, they made the flooring by putting waste on a clean piece of land. Then walked on it to compress it. After this they cleared all the rubbish, they put another layer of waste on top of that. After they would put mint leaves on it to remove the bad odour.
3. In countries like India floors were made by putting flowers and decorating the surface with colours. This is known as rangoli. This is how the floors are decorated in the Indian culture.
So, as we can see there were various ways of creating flooring. Flooring helps in increasing the style of your home and in many cases, can also increase the re-sell value.