An educational institution, whether it’s a school, college or university, should not just be made up of red brick walls and boring, grey grained flooring. It should be vibrant and welcoming for students. They should feel comfortable and at home while studying to be able to learn to the best of their abilities. That’s why you should never ignore the choice of flooring while building a school. It is extremely important for a school or college to have flooring which is pleasing to the eye and comes off as well kept and clean all the time. Woodpecker Flooring is the solution to your troubles if you too are looking for the best option for your school or college.
Woodpecker flooring is just like wooden flooring. It gives the same amount of grace and charm but with really affordable rates. The thickness of the solid wood top layers ranges from 2.5mm and 6mm thus, catering to your needs according to your budget.
The floors of a school catch stains all the time. There are children of various age groups with different behavioural patterns. They may litter, spill food, scatter water paints, doodle on the floor or come with all the possible dirt from the playground. College floors are often covered with furniture rust spots, scratches from moving the chairs, acid stains on laboratory floors etc. With so many students in one institution, it is not an easy task to look after each and every such stain separately.
One of your many responsibilities includes looking after the wellbeing and safety of all your students and therefore, it is very important to maintain the hygienic conditions of your institution. Woodpecker flooring provides you the liberty to be extremely relaxed about it. It stays clean and is very easy to clean. A wet mop or broom is enough to get rid of most messes. Since the maintenance of this floor is so low, you can just let go off the worries about expenses and focus on giving your students a better future.
Woodpecker flooring should be your choice if your institution is located in extremely cold environment and you plan on installing under floor heating systems. It will provide the perfect setting for it. It offers a wide variety of options- solid wood flooring, environmentally friendly cork floor tiles, bamboo flooring etc. It comes in various patterns and colour shades that can be chosen according to the other interiors of your institution. Pick Woodpecker flooring if you want to give your school or college an elegant and neat look along with providing a warm and comfortable environment to your students.